Need some help exporting to DVD format.

I had the "-f dvd" not supported problem, so I grabbed the latest ffmpeg
from cvs and built it.  Here are the options used.
-> ffmpeg
ffmpeg version 0.4.9-pre1, build 4754, Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Fabrice
  configuration:  --enable-mp3lame --enable-libogg --enable-ogg
--enable-vorbis--enable-faadbin --disable-faac --enable-xvid
--enable-a52bin --disable-dts --enable-pp --enable-shared
--disable-amr_nb --disable-amr_nb-fixed --disable-amr_wb
--disable-sunmlib --enable-pthreads --enable-gpl --disable-strip
  built on May  4 2005 23:33:49, gcc: 3.4.3 (Mandrakelinux 10.2

When I try to export to DVD, I get the following:

  Now encoding:  Great Performances:  Eric Clapton: Crossroads Guitar
  Encode started:  Wed May  4 23:36:13 2005
  Waiting for mythtranscode to set up the fifos.
  Starting ffmpeg.
  processed:  0 of 0 frames (0.00%),   0.00 fps
  ffmpeg finished.
  processed:  0 of 194140 frames (0.00%),   0.00 fps

  ffmpeg died early.Please use the --debug option to figure out what
went wrong.

The debug shows:
To encode:  Great Performances:  Eric Clapton: Crossroads Guitar
Use the following commands:

system call:
mkdir -m 0755 /tmp/fifodir_6278/

/bin/nice -n19 mythtranscode --showprogress -p autodetect -c 1019 -s
2005-03-09-22-00-00 -f "/tmp/fifodir_6278/" --honorcutlist 2>&1

/bin/nice -n19 ffmpeg -hq -threads 2 -y -f s16le -ar 32000 -ac 2
-i /tmp/fifodir_6278/audout -f rawvideo -s 640x480 -aspect 1.333 -r
29.97 -i /tmp/fifodir_6278/vidout -aspect 1.3333 -r 29.97 -s 720x480  -b
6000 -vcodec mpeg2video -qmin 5 -ab 384 -ar 48000 -acodec mp2 -f dvd
"./Great Performances - Eric Clapton- Crossroads Guitar Festival.mpg"

Any ideas?

Lonnie Borntreger

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