Dave Ansell wrote:

Yes, I tried that too a while back with 0.17 and it crashed.
Might try again I guess.  It was certainly easy enough to install.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mudit Wahal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion about mythtv" <mythtv-users@mythtv.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Streaming to Windows Machine

try this .. http://sourceforge.net/projects/winmyth

On 5/4/05, Dave Ansell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


   OK, wash my mouth out for mentioning the 'W' word, but I want to play
recordings on windows preferably via the MythWeb interface.

    I have tried and failed so far with:

(1)  DSMyth Filters -  Just can't get it to work!

(2) VLC client on windows machine accessing SAMBA share on backend - Works
but gets flaky for larger files, suspect something lacking with large file

(3) MythStreamTV - FFMpeg and VLC failed to compile as per instructions
in the INSTALL file.

Has anyone got a fairly straightforward way to achieve this reliably??



PS..  Backend =   Fedora FC3 / Myth 0.18
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Prereqs for WinMyth include:

-Making sure you're properly set up for remote frontends (RTFM)
-Making sure any firewalls are properly configured (or disabled if you're brave, or is that stupid?)
-Having the DSMyth stuff installed and working
-Having the .Net runtime installed

I had to solve all of the above problems before realizing I didn't care for the interface and my wireless is way too slow... Ah well, one of these days I'll install Linux on the work laptop anyway.

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