On 5/4/05, Ralph Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  This is either a request for help or a feature request. :D
>  I record Star Trek Enterprise on Sundays in the UK.
>  2 episodes are broadcast one after the other on Channel 4.
>  However, because of clock skew etc, it is impossible to get each recording
> in completeness because a bit of one might be tagged onto the end of the
> other, and because I have only 1 encoder, can't schedule them to overlap,
> one ending a little later, the other a little earlier to cope with clock
> differences, or the broadcasts being late/early.
>  However, in theory this should be possible as long as the 2 recordings are
> on the same channel. It's just that the same piece of video would end up in
> 2 records with some jiggery-pokery to make it happen.
>  Therefore, is it possible to arrange for consecutive recordings on the same
> channel to overlap and to not cause a conflict?
>  Cheers,
>  Ralph


If it's clock skew, have you got ntp working on the recording machine?
I found that recording 3rd Rock on ITV2 (2 consecutive programs, each
30 mins) there was almost never a problem recording (maybe 6 out of
the 120+ episodes had the first 10-20 seconds of the second show
recorded at the end of the first recording). Using my DVB card, there
is a second or two 'missing' as one recording ends and the next starts
(not a problem for me).

If Enterprise is on at the same time each week, you could also use a
manual recording instead to record the full 2 episode length each week

On your idea, I think this would be a very useful feature to have the
option of using, however, if you have several recordings in a row it
could get to be a pain to navigate through the file to individual

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