On Thursday 05 May 2005 15:31, Rickard Borgmäster wrote:

> I have probems chaning channels in myth. Picture is displayed OK and I can
> use ivtv:s "ptune.pl -c SE16" to watch MTV. If I try to change channel in
> myth, picture freezes for a second or two and then the same channel is
> still displayed. Mythfilldatabase is OK i think. EPG info an such look
> good. Maybe it has something to do with the above channel setup? Or maybe
> MythTV relies on some tuner script that it can't find? Or maybe it is
> because the "freqid" field in the database is empty? (What is this field
> for anyway?) My channel plan is PAL europe-west.

I had similar problems when I first tried setting up channels. Try running the 
mythbackend and frontend from seperate shells so you can see any errors being 
generated when you try to change the channel.  Mine (from memory.it was a few 
months ago now) was caused by me having messed up adding some channels, so it 
basically couldn't find anything 'valid' to switch to.
I could view the initial channel that MythTV started on, but when trying to 
change I got exactly what you describe. I'm using Europe-west for the 
channels as well. I'd have to check in my channels setup to see what I have 
in for the freqid, but I think I've put the channel number (i.e BBC1 is 29 or 
something similar - depending on what your signal source is). I'm currently 
getting the normal terrestrial channels directly off my cable TV's coax, tho 
the picture isn't all that fantastic (especially comparted to the 'real' 
cable channels).

Hope this is helpful in some small way, cos it was starting to drive me nuts 
when I could see channel info, but not change to it !
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