Mark Knecht wrote:

   I got the XBox modified by a nice guy here in San Jose. He
installed a DuoX2 chip and put some sort of bootable BIOS on it. I had
been able to boot GentooX and Gentoo-XBox after that work was done.
After looking at Xebian, GentooX, Gentoo-xbox I finally decided that
since I use Gentoo elsewhere I'd go with Gentoo-Xbox. All the
instructions said I needed the Cromwell BIOS so I tried doing that
with raincoat. Raincoat loaded the Cromwell BIOS, but then the machine
wouldn't boot from the DuoX2 anymore. It will still boot with the M$

I know this is getting OT, but hopefully it will help others. The DuoX2 has 2x banks of 512kB to flash a bios to. There is a switch on the chip itself to switch between banks (and the second bank should still be untouched on your Xbox assuming you haven't flicked the switch it since the mod was fitted - most likely this will contain a bootable modchip bios).

Most Xbox modchips can be flashed with a 256kB size bios. The Duo is different as it requires a 512kB bios. If you try and flash a 256kB one it stops the machine from booting (this was my experience when fitting one for a friend anyway).

What you need to do is open up the Xbox (using Torx 10 and Torx 20 screwdrivers), remove the HD and CD drives, then flick the switch on the chip. Put it back together and see if it boots using the modchip bios. If it does, then start from scratch with flashing the bios on it again, but this time make sure the replacement (Cromwell) bios is 512kB in size, and that you are using raincoat version 0.7 (I don't know if this is required but everyone seems to recommend it).

I hope this helps a bit!


PS. If you're still stuck, I believe there is help on the xbox-linux website on how to soft-mod your Xbox, and contact details of nearby people who can do it for you. For specific DuoX2 info, try the forums at

PPS. If you're at all handy with a soldering iron you may see that fitting the chip is not that difficult, especially as someone has already done the soldering to the Xbox motherboard for you! You could consider buying a replacement DuoX2 and fitting it yourself (ie, they cost £11 here in the UK, which is $21 ish). There should only be 2 connections to re-solder to the modchip.
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