On Wed, 4 May 2005 12:11:01 -0700 (PDT)
Howard Cokl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think if it works with a monitor attached but
> doesn't show anything when booting, your problem may
> be with the AA.  Unfortunately the Audio Authority
> doesn't have a power light like the RCA transcoder. 
> Did you buy it new?  Can you verify that the A/C
> adapter is working?

        So here are the latest results: I checked the power supply and
it puts out the 12V that it is supposed to. So there is power going to
the AA box. However, I don't see anything at any time on the TV (post,
boot, and X). I still have to check whether there is a signal coming
out of the AA box.

        As far as the AA goes, I got really lucky and even though I
bought the box on eBay, I was able to contact the seller and he offered
to send me a replacement!! There are good people on this planet after
all!! So, not all hope is lost yet...

        If you, guys, have any other ideas of things that I should/
could check, don't hesitate...


Mitko Haralanov
voidtrance at comcast dot net
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