On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 08:34 -0700, Wendy Seltzer wrote:
> The DC Circuit has ruled in our favor, unanimously throwing out the 
> FCC's broadcast flag -- the rule that would have prevented pcHDTV and 
> Air2PC from making HDTV tuner cards in the US after July 1.


> Next, we'll have to stop the MPAA from going to Congress to get it back.

So was it the MPAA that got the FCC to require a broadcast flag?

Was the FCC just the short easy path to it (assuming it worked) and now
Congress is yet another avenue available to them but just more

What avenues are next?  How many avenues are there?  When will the
madness finally be put to rest with no hope of resurrection?

Will the DC Circuit's ruling help in any way in stopping something like
this from going through Congress?


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