It's reminiscent to me of the stuff the TransGaming (formerly winex, now
called cedeg) guys did.. sorta "subscription based development".. Their
users pay a monthly fee for updates and voting rights to their
extensions on the WINE platform.

I dunno.. I'm definitely a skeptic.. My worry is that we'd end up with a
camel -- you know.. a horse built by committee..

That being said, cedega is an incredible product, and it's to their
credit that I could run Diablo 2 under linux with almost better
performance than on a windows box.



> > I look forward to their contributions to myth, but I'm leery about the
> > whole venture. I just have an uneasy feeling about where it is all
> > going.
> I'm leery (good word) because Isaac has made no comment on the issue.
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