On 5/6/2005 7:24 PM David Brieck Jr. wrote:

On 5/6/05, *Drew Tomlinson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Yeah, actually it's been harder than that.  To sum it up, right
    now I'm
    sitting at work, looking at the livecd# prompt via an ssh connection.
    The livecd boot seems to have only picked up my IDE drive attached
    to my
    Promise 150 PATA connector.  I can see it via fdisk /dev/sda1.

    I also have two SCSI drives connected to an Advansys controller
    but they
    are nowhere to be found.  I know I was required to load a driver when
    installing Fedora Core 3.  I suspect I have to do something
    similar here
    but have no clue where to begin.  Google hasn't turned up anything
    so I
    made a plea to the gentoo-users list.  I'm anxiously awaiting
    someone to
    take pity on me.  :)

I take it you are trying to install your system to one of the SCSI drives? If you're not, just go ahead and install everything to the IDE drive and when you get to the part of compiling your kernel just make sure you build in the driver. It looks like that particular driver isn't loaded by default.

You'll have to change the code maturity option so that you'll be able to find the driver in the SCSI low level menu of your kenerl configure. The fact that it's a new driver is probably why it's not loading for you by default.

Your best bet is to install to your IDE drive, and if you'd like your SCSI drive to be your boot drive just build the correct kernel drvier and move your data over once your system is running. Don't forget to change your fstab though before rebooting on the SCSI drive.

I found instructions for booting from Knoppix and installing that way. Ironically, Knoppix sees the Advansys controller but not the PATA connector on the Promise card. But no matter because I want to use the IDE drive only as storage for recorded shows. Thus I'm sure it will either "just work" once I get Gentoo built or I will be able to make it work.

Thanks for all your help and suggestions!


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