Mr AG!! wrote:

>Forgive me for being naive, but what does the front end and back end do
>in relation to each other? is it possible to have one main myth
>installation, and then have other 'front ends' running in other rooms? 
>mythtv-users mailing list
The backend is the part that does the actual recording/storage.  The
frontend is the pretty gui process that allows you to watch the stuff
you recorded.  In my case I have an HTPC in my living room that runs the
backend and a frontend, I'm currently watching TV on a remote frontend
in my bedroom.  The beauty of this is that as long as you can retrieve
data from the hard drive of the backend you can stream it to a
frontend.  This is truely a distributed system especially when you start
getting into having slave backends but that's a story for another day.


Bryan Halter
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