> Why are you transcoding these files when they're MPEG2 to start with?
> Here's a quick test - transfer one of your DVB recordings to a Windows
> machine, rename it to .mpg, and try to play it. If you've got MPEG2
> codecs installed, you should see crystal clear video.

Yes, I'd thought that, but a straight drag'n'drop to an XP box, rename and
play, and WMP doesn't recognise it. Most likely my recording profile is to
blame - are there any settings specific to making a DVD-compatible file
that I maybe am misunderstanding, do you think?

> If you are recording from either a DVB or a hardware MPEG2 card, the
> nuv file *is* an MPEG2 file. From another thread a few days ago
> regarding mastering DVDs from video, I use a combination of ProjectX
> to demux and correct any errors in the streams from the recorded file,
> and then Cuttermaran and/or DVD Hive to create MPEG2 and ISO files I
> can burn to DVD.

Yeah, I had planned to just remove the adverts and trim the start/ends
before burning - and much as I appreciate Myth has the cutlist to do this,
I find the editing is done so much easier in a GUI package - like yourself
I imagine.

I'll fiddle with nuvexport anyway - I'm sure it's maybe doing more
"transcoding" than it needs to - ie. just demuxing. Failing that, it must
be the recording profile settings. The cards are, as you say, DVB-T cards
so output a raw MPEG2 stream anyway.


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