I had a strange thing happen on my mythbackend. It's running FC3 (kernel
2.6.10-1.737_FC3) with 2 Maxtor 160gig drives in a logical volume.
Sometime early Saturday morning, between 3 and 4 AM, the machine seemed
to die. I already had a terminal session open on my laptop and if I
tried to do anything I kept getting errors, like bus error. Nothing more
specific than that. 

I was stuck so I powered off and back on and all I got was "GRUB" in the
top left corner and it would go no farther. 

So I started playing a little. I booted from linux rescue CD and ran
run_qtparted. It could see both hard drives, but it said /dev/hda was
empty. It could see ext2 on /dev/hdb. 

Then I booted from FC3 disc one because I wanted to see if the install
would see the Linux installation. All it seemed to see was /dev/hdb.

Next I booted from Maxtor's drive utility floppy to check out the
drives. I ran the quick test and long test on both drives and they both
passed all the tests. 

Then I rebooted the machine again, and now FC3 boots up! I had to go
through fsck a couple times, but now it's working. It's made three
recordings since then. The only problem I've had is when I tried
watching a recording from a remote frontend I got this error on the
backend a few minutes into it:
WriteBlock(): Aborting WriteBlock, write to socket failed!

This machine has been very stable for a pretty long time. I did just add
a Via VT6122 gigabit NIC last week. Up to this point it caused no issues
in the machine, but the same NIC did seem to cause some instability in
another FC3 machine I have. I don't know if it has anything to do with
it or not. 

Could this be the hard drive failing even though drive diagnostics says
it's fine? 
Anything else possibly happening?

I googled for bus error but it seems to be a non-specific error, or at
least I got results for all kinds of things causing bus error. 

Any wisdom is appreciate!


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