On 5/7/05, Scott Arthur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've just installed 0.17 and when I play a video in Mythvideo, mplayer
> doesn't respond to any keys.
> If I run mplayer directly through .xinitrc it works fine with normal
> mplayer keys, but when it's called through mythvideo, there's no
> response from any keys??

If you're using KDE as your desktop environment, you may want to check
your window focus behvaiour. Jarod's tips'n'tricks page here -
http://wilsonet.com/mythtv/tips.php - may help you out. Scroll down to
'MythVideo focus issue'

If you can Alt-TAB between running windows whilst mplayer is running,
place focus on the mplayer window - if you can get normal keypress
responses, it's definitely a focus issue.

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