Aha, so, battling around with this I've made "some" progress.

I'd had advice (and seent his before, to be honest) that the .nuv files
are infact just MPEG2 streams from DVB-T cards, but this clearly wasn't
the case for me as simply renaming them and shifting them onto a windows
box wasn't working.... Windows Media Player didn't like the files at all,
and PowerDVD played them but they appeared highly corrupt.

Surfing around, I found that using mencoder works a treat :-

mencoder -of mpeg -ovc copy -oac copy -o output.mpg <whatever.nuv>

...which is strange, because I've purposely told it to just do a straight
stream copy... but the resulting file is spot on (WMP opens, but just
shows a blank screen - however PowerDVD is perfectly happy and plays the
video fine).

So, that's all good, but it's hardly integrated into myth. So I head for
the nuvexport --mencoder option. However this seems to be reliant on

>Using mencoder for exporting.
>What would you like to do?
>  1. Export to XviD (using mencoder)
>  2. MPEG2->MPEG2 cut only (disabled)
>  3. Export to .nuv and .sql
>  q. Quit
>Choose a function:  2
>You need lvemux to use this.
>Press ENTER to continue.

Errm.... why? I've run it manually without any need for it, is there some
way I can hack nuvexport so it just does the straight copy process on the
MPEG2 streams, and hence does away with the need for lvemux?

My perl experience is non-existent :D but I really don't want to be
matching up those horrible .nuv filenames to my programmes manually.

Cheers guys - almost there with this one, it seems...

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