I've recently received my 16:9 aspect TV and I am trying to get MAME
to scale properly.  It currently looks like a 16:9 image squished
inside a 4:3 frame running on a 16:9 TV.  Not pretty.  I have read
several man pages and I see there is a "displayaspectratio 1.77"
option that looks like it should do the trick.  Unfortunately when I
add this to the "Extras" field in the default options, MAME refuses to
start.  Here's a sample command line:

/usr/bin/xmame -rompath /htpc/games/mame/roms -cheat_file
/htpc/games/mame/cheats -history_file
/htpc/games/mame/history/history.dat -snapshot_directory
/htpc/games/mame/screens -hiscore_directory /htpc/games/mame/hiscores
-hiscore_file /htpc/games/mame/hiscores/hiscore.dat -skip_disclaimer
-skip_gameinfo -video-mode 0 -noartwork -noautoframeskip -bpp 0 -scale
1 -antialias -notranslucency   -analogstick -nowinkeys -nograbmouse
-joytype 4 -samples -volume -16  -nocheat -displayaspectratio 1.77

I'm guessing that there is a certain combination of "scale",
"video-mode", "keepaspect", and "displayaspectratio" that needs to be
correct before it will fly.

I have "DisplaySize" set to a 16:9 ratio in my xorg.conf and I'm
running at 1280x720.  Thank you in advance for your help.
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