Apologies if this is OT...

I recently upgraded to 0.18, was running 0.17.  Myth is running on
FC2, ATRPMs.  When I updated, I only update mythtv-suite, and not a
distro update.

MythTV is working fine... sort of.  If I use MythWeb, VNC, or SSH, I
can establish a connection and use it without any problems for about 2
or 3 minutes... then it locks up, and the connection is terminated.  I
thought this was solely a SSH problem, but fired up MythWeb, and was
using it for a bit, then it froze, and the connection was terminated. 
Similar results with VNC.

Should I do a distro update?  I'm worried I might break something.  Is
this problem symptomatic of something specific you know about?  I've
done nothing on this machine except upgrade MythTV.

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