> Now I understand why I can't do this.  I guess I missed that small, but very
> important, detail.
> I'm left wondering if I should scrap my BT878 card for a 250 or 350 or wait
> for streaming support for the RTJPEG format.

I had a similar issue where I needed MPEG-2 format to play the files
on an Xbox. So I replaced my BT8x8 cards for DVB cards which record in
MPEG-2 (as DVB is a MPEG-2 boradcast stream). Not sure if you get DVB
where you are, but that or 250 or 350 would be an option.

Or - use nuvexport to convert the recordings to MPEG-2 after they've
finished recording. You could possibly use the job functionality in
0.17 or 0.18 but I guess that's a lot of stuffing about.

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