--- Cory Papenfuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>       A lot of places try to weasel out of paying rebates, either by 
> "forgetting," or making some bogus claim about you filling something 
> improperly.  I always make a copy of all the materials I sent in in
> case 
> there a contest.  Since you mailed the submission in, it's a federal 
> offense of mail fraud if they did not pay when you honored all the
> details 
> of the rebate.  Tell that to the guy on the phone and they'll send
> it.

Their latest dodge -- the cards I received had no phone number.  They
gave me an address where I could "submit the missing item(s)".  Their
scam is that they will make it more difficult than it's worth to get
the rebate back.  My response is the only rational choice -- discourage
rebates by boycotting products (and retailers) which use them.

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