On 5/15/05, Michael Carland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 14, 2005, at 9:13 PM, Frank Visser wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > MythTV is almost perfect for me now, but I am running in a small
> > wierdness. Sometimes the channel is bad quality when watching live tv,
> > but when I record it using the 's' key and switch over to look at the
> > recording the quality is good!

What esactly is bad about the picture quality? Is it lower resolution,
skipping, bad colours?

> > Can anyone explain why this is happening? Freeview sends a MPEG stream
> > over, so it shouldn't matter if I watch live or at the recording. Any
> > suggestions about settings I can play with the get better quality when
> > watching live?
> The easiest answer would be if you have different settings for
> 'Default' and 'Live TV' in your recording profiles.

This shouldn't make a difference with DVB (unlike a hardware capture
card) as the stream is recorded 'as is', unless the profile is trying
to resize the live video on-the-fly to a non-native resolution. I
would use verbose logging output on the frontend and see if there are
any useful messages whilst watching live tv. You should see with DVB
stream info in the log, so that might show something.

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