On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 02:42:53PM -0600, Greg Grotsky wrote:
> Rob, how are you transcoding your files down?

For transcoding HD:

        - In the recording profiles, check the "automatically
          transcode" checkbox. All the other stuff in the profile is
          ignored, since no encoding is performed for HD capture.

        - Set up your desired transcoding characteristics in the "From
          MPEG-2/RTjpeg" transcoder (HD capture is MPEG-2);
          resolution, bitrate, etc.. The other transcoder will not be

The caveat of this basic functionality is that *all* your HD shows
will be transcoded in the same way. You can control whether or not
your HD shows get automatically transcoded by assigning the schedules
to different recording profiles ("Default", "High Quality", etc.).

I have a patch to allow selection between multiple transcoders for HD
content (e.g., "high quality", "medium quality", "low quality"), and
have been using it in my own system for quite some time. It hasn't
been committed to CVS yet. If you're feeling adventurous:


This is how I determined that HD transcoding ought to be do-able in a
little over 1x real-time with my system characteristics.


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