At 07:40 PM 5/17/2005, Todd Vazquez wrote:
>What version of MySql are you running?  If I recall
>correctly, temporary tables are not supported in MySql
>3.23, the version that Myth has a dependency with.

I'm using MySQL 5.0.4-beta-standard installed using RPMs from MySQL.

What I ended up doing was using ` around each instance of "repeat" (`repeat`) that I found in datadirect.cpp (and it took me a very long time to find that this was the file I was looking for).

I'm still getting an error:

QString::arg(): Argument missing: INSERT INTO dd_v_station (stationid, callsign, stationname, affiliate, fccchannelnumber, channel, channelMinor) SELECT dd_station.stationid, callsign, stationname, affiliate, fccchannelnumber, channel, channelMinor FROM dd_station, dd_lineupmap WHERE ( (dd_station.stationid = dd_lineupmap.stationid) );, DITV625:-

but this error isn't causing the database to not fill.

Now I only have to deal with the fact that I have sound but only a blue screen for video.

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