I *just* had that happen to me last night, and after about 30 minutes of
reboots and repeated problems I found the cause:  My program storage area
was full.  I was running 0.17 at the time and for some reason mythtv
stopped expiring programs.  (Actually it's worse - I've also caught it
expiring stuff that had been marked NOT to expire.)  My best guess is that
mythtv was trying to record something, ran out of space, and then reacted
by ceasing to pull more data from the ivtv driver.  This caused a pile-up
in the driver, which caused it to run out of buffers, thus the messages.

Once I manually deleted a bunch of programs, rebooted and restarted, the
problem stopped happening.

After confirming that freeing disk space cleared things up, I then went on
ahead and updated to 0.18.1 - hopefully that should stop the expiration
problems I was seeing.


On Wed, 18 May 2005, Fedor Pikus wrote:

> After a while, I start getting these in system log:
> May 17 16:44:12 myth kernel: ivtv: ENC Stream 0 OVERFLOW #8: Stealing
> a Buffer, 2048 currently allocated
> once they show up, they scroll quite fast and there seems to be no end to it.
> I have PVR-350, FC3 running 6.6.11 kernel from ATRPMs, ivtv-0.3.4p,
> and mythtv-0.18.1.
> What does it mean, and how do I stop the theft?
> Thanks,
> Fedor

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