I am with Videotron in Quebec City and I had problem consistent with what you describe with TV5 (channel 15) on analog (recorded with a PVR 250 retail). The problem occured with any combination  MythTV versions 0.17 and all versions of 0.18, FC3 kernels 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 and various versions of ivtv 0.3x. I also have the occasional problem with RDI (cable 19), a CBC/Radio-Canada network.

I might add that both channels are fine in digital when recorded by my other card, a PVR-150MCE, and the coax input of the 250 has sound on channels 15 and 19 when I first tested the card on a Windows box (both with the Hauppauge software and with GB-PVR on Windows)

So this problem is not related to the CBC, it's probably related to ivtv. Over the long weekend, I will try to switch the inputs of both cards to see if it makes a difference.


Anyone living in the GTA? I've got my myth setup working awesome
with one small problem, CBC (channel 6 on cogeco in Oakville) doesn't
seem to record audio. Anyone else in the area with the same problem
(and hopefully a fix :)
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