I have an odd (apparently) PX-TV402U problem with my MythTV box(es).
When I try to record or to watch Live TV, I get a green screen with
static at the top 1/2 inch or so of the screen.  I do get sound.

   This is the same with all inputs (composite, S-Video, Tuner).  The
test application (gorecord) that Plextor supplies runs properly - so I
do not believe that it is a driver issue.

   I am running MythTV v 0.18.1, which has direct support for the
device.  I currently have 2 MythTV boxes - my main one (P4/3Ghz) -
currently using a Hauppauge 250 - which works, and a test box (AthlonXP
2700+).  It also works when I put in the Hauppauge 250.  Neither work
with the Plextor unit (same static/green screen).  I returned the
original PX-TV402U for another unit.  I get the same result.  So, 2
Plextor devices, 2 computers, same problem.  If I put both units in a
system, the 250 works while the Plextor gives me the static/green

   Both computers are running Gentoo.  I am currently using
(gentoo-sources) kernel 2.6.11-r9, though I have tried 2.6.7-r3, and
2.6.11-r8 as well.  I am using the 2005.0 layout.

   Has anyone any suggestions?  In looking around in the Gentoo forums,
and looking through this list, it seems that there are others using the
PX-TV402U, but I seem to be the only one having problems...

   I have been running my (main) MythTV box for about 1 year, and really
like it.  I have been using Gentoo for about the same amount of time,
and after an initial learning curve (including a hardware problem), find
it very nice.

       Eric C.

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