Ryan wrote: 
> On 5/19/05, Mat Mrosko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 5/19/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > xfs is a good choice.  It is also easy to grow and handles large 
> > > files ( video ) quite well.
> > 
> > Plus, with XFS, you don't have to unmount it to grow it, or 
> > anything... and deleting multiple gig files takes only a couple 
> > seconds...
> I was thinking of going with xfs, but the real question here 
> is the easiest non-destructive way to concatonate the 
> seperate hard drives. 

Fwiw what I did was partition the 'new' drive, and format it lvm/xfs, I then
stoped the backend, copied over the files, changed the mount points and
the backend.

I left the 'spare' space on the original drive for future use rather than
join the
drives, that was rather helped by the new drive being 300Gb compared with
the original
100Gb though!

What I plan to do sometime is get another 300Gb drive to replace the 120Gb
one, mirror 
the system areas and LVM the remainder into one partition.


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