> > I'm just getting so *bleeping* upset with this whole thing that I'm
> > about ready to give up.
> Jarod is the man. He will get you running on FCx if you read the
> instructions carefully and do your due dilligence on Gossamer.
Yeah, when I initially setup my test box with FC2 using his guide, I hit a few small hiccups, but things worked right off the bat.  (With just a single PVR-350 tuner) 
> I'm more of a "turn the key" kinda guy, and for those like me I
> recommend KnoppMyth. It takes Debian Linux, MythTv, and all the
> dependencies and combines them into one pretty easy installation. Plus,
> there's a very active KnoppMyth community to help smooth out the rough
> spots. (Not to "disrespect" mailing lists, but there's even a
> KnoppMyth FORUM! ;-)
> Oh, and Jarod's right about the Athlon 1800 being underpowered to
> decode HDTV. You can receive HDTV broadcasts fine, but playing them
> will take more horsepower.
The cpu should be fine as I'm not going to be playing back HDTV on this box -- It will be a backend only.  Playback will only be on the frontends, and the ones that I want to play HDTV on will be built with good compents to handle HDTV playback.  (The single frontend I have setup currently is only fast enough for SDTV (PIII 800), but I'll be building a couple of HDTV-capable frontends once I get Myth up & running properly...)
Maybe half of my problem is that I installed Linux with all of the capture cards already installed into the machine...  And perhaps that made the setup/installation/configuration of the capture cards somewhat unpredictable...  Should I have installed  Linux without any capture cards, then introduce them one at a time or something?  I guess that's more-or-less what I did the first time, having only the 350 on initial install, then later buying the 250.  But when I tried to get the HD3000 working and the drivers wouldn't compile with the kernel...   
I'll have to boot up my machine and jump on the IRC channel that Jarod suggested to get things worked out... It'll probably be a 'quick fix' for somebody more Linux/Myth-literate than me... 
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