On 5/19/05, Brad Templeton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 05:18:06PM -0500, Lane Schwartz wrote:
> > Attorney General's  Office is the one entity which can file antitrust
> > suits under the Sherman Act. This is good because the U.S. Federal
> > Government would shoulder the cost of the suit, but bad because the
> > USDOJ must be convinced of the merits of the suit, or it won't get
> > filed in the first place.
> There's also new ground here.  Commercialized (locked) pvrs, including
> a commercialized locked MythTV, can join the DRM consortia, though
> sometimes at a high dollar price.   GPLd Myth on generic equipment
> (not lockable) can't join but suffer no _commercial_ harm as they are
> not commercial.  Which is not to say it isn't harm to the public, just
> not harm to somebody's business.   Adds to the confusion, I fear.

Which is exactly why I mentioned a Myth-based company earlier.

I agree that this would be difficult ground to tread. But I think it
could be possible if we had one (or preferably several) small
businesses which sell (open) Myth boxes that are harmed by the status
quo. Possible example would be http://mythic.tv.

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