Brad Templeton wrote:

other clever things like knowing about
letterbox or pillarbox bars and making use of them, or even an FF
mode that shrunk the display window down to make room to do a lot of
text on the screen at once.   A tool like that you really could watch
a show at 3x or 5x speed, at least the boring parts.

I'd certainly be interested in seeing those kind of features (especially the relatively simple one of making use of the letterbox bars, there's nothing more annoying than subtitles obscuring people's names and similar captions on documentary/news type programmes). The ability to customise the font/colour of subtitles would be useful too - I'm colourblind, and unable to differentiate the standard teletext yellow/green and white/cyan, which can be confusing when they are used to differentiate between different speakers. Another possibility I've thought of is using the CC data as a searchable index for the video - I've no idea how feasible that is, but it seems that that would be a very cool caption-based feature with universal appeal.


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