Mario Limonciello wrote:

Angel Li wrote:

Mario Limonciello wrote:

Well XvMC was working for me just last evening.  I had to restart X
morning for some reason or another, and now it is again not working
that same BadAlloc error.  What can be causing these anomolies?
mythtv-users mailing list
I can confirm this behavior. Yesterday I pulled up the OSD and I
noticed it was in color, a dead giveaway XvMC is not working, so I
poked around some but didn't find anything. I went back to watching
the NBA game in HD and sometime later I pulled up the OSD again and
this time it came up gray. My Myth frontend has enough horsepower to
not miss using XvMC so who knows how often this happens. The really
weird thing is that the front end log file had the Bad Alloc message
yet XvMC was working.

mythtv-users mailing list

That was the same giveaway for me this morning too, the color OSD.

I would think my machine should be able to handle HD without xvmc, but
it can't.

Athon64 3200+
1 Gig PC3200 Ram
Asus 68V SE Deluxe
Nvidia 6600 GT
Gentoo Linux 2005.0 (Compiled in 64 bit)

I'm completely taxed and lagging away on hd without xvmc in myth.  It
plays fine with about 90 percent cpu usage in mplayer.  With xvmc I'm at
about 60-70 cpu usage (when its working).

That's weird cause my frontend is an Athlon64 3000, 512megs, the videocard is a cheap 6200 PCI Express card and using the soundcard on the motherboard I can get by without XvMC. I'm running Centos 4 but that doesn't really matter much and I'm running a build of 2.6.12-rc3.

mythtv-users mailing list

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