Hi Neale,
   A little more info. In my case this frontend box is an XBox. It
appears that when it hasn't been used in a while that the screen goes
black. Sometimes the 'crash' seems to be that I've hit a certain key
on the XBox remote contral and the frontend doesn't know how to react.
I've found (so far - that last 12-16 hours) taht if I always hit the
select key first then the machine has come alive ok.

   Not sure if what I saw was a real crash or just a remote control
usage mistake.

   Anyway, we are in violent agreement. Nothing that the back end does
should EVER cause the front end to completely hang up and require a
reboot. That's jsut wrong. (If it happens at all!)

- Mark

On 5/24/05, Neale Swinnerton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree it would be nice if the frontend just recovers when the backend
> has bounced. From a user point of view, you only care when the backend
> isn't there. Not that is wasn't there at some point in the past. As it
> stands at the moment, if the backend has restarted after the frontend came
> up you will get this error message.
> > Hi,
> >    This may be specific to the Xebian version I jsut brought up. If I
> > reboot the MythTV backend server I end up with a message on the XBox
> frontend that says something to the effect of:
> >
> > "The backend has stopped operating.. Is it running?"
> >
> > And then an opportunity to say OK. Unfortunately it does not seem that
> the XBox IR remote would actually satisfy the 'OK' button on the dialog
> box. I ended up pushing the power button on the XBox and
> > rebooting. I didn't tink of trying to log in remotely and do a real
> restart of the machine which would have been a better choice.
> >
> > 1) Is it true that I cannot reboot a backend server without having to so
> something physical to all the frontend machines?
> >
> > 2) Is there anyway to configure mythfronend to allow the server to go
> away for 5 minutes and then to figure out that it's back?
> >
> > 3) Why does the frontend care at all about this?Why doesn't it just sit
> when I'm not using it and look at the backend when I give it a command?
> >
> > 4) Can the 'OK' button be satisfied with a different remote? I really
> don't like this XBox remote.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
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