At 1116905147s since epoch (05/23/05 22:25:47 -0400 UTC), Matt Salerno wrote:
> Ok, I got home, first I made sure I could still get the TV out on the
> PVR with X running through my video card, and it worked as expected. 
> Then I tried changing the line in my xorg.conf to read:
> Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"
> Rather than:
> Option "ivtv" "/dev/fb0"

I assume you have a correct "BusID" param in that stanza as well?

> startx, no luck.

Looking at your earlier post, I'm going to assume that "no luck" means
that X is starting, but doesn't display anything on the TV.  The logs
don't seem to indicate that X is crashing (I'm assuming that signal 11
is from you killing the server).

You may have a problem with the linux console being tied up by your
primary video card.  It happened to me: my built-in video card got
/dev/fb0, and the linux console settled on that.  X didn't want to
start to a different console, so nothing showed up on the TV, even
though X started and didn't post any errors.

If this is the case, you can try moving the default console to an
"unused" virtual term.  Add this to your /etc/lilo.conf:


(if there's already an append line, add it to the existing values)

Then re-run lilo and reboot.

If you'd like, I can send you my entire X config, which uses a TV-350
and ignores the built-in VGA video card.

Hope that helps,


Jason Healy
mythtv-users mailing list

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