On 5/24/05, Anthony Valentine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jonathan Watmough wrote:
> >>Please excuse my ignorance. I just don't get this... I get an i/o
> >>
> >>
> >>>error when I try to run this 'dd' command, either as mythtv or root.
> >>>Also, I'm not sure about 'copy_of', should this be the name of the
> >>>DVD? For instance, I want to rip my copy of Black Hawk Down to the
> >>>Mythbox, do I use this:
> >>>dd if/dev/dvd of=/tmp/BLACK_HAWK_DOWN.iso bs=2048
> >>>xine dvd:///tmp/BLACK_HAWK_DOWN.iso
> >>>
> In the example above, you forgot the = between dd and if.
> Yes, of=/tmp/BLACK_HAWK_DOWN.iso will work.  It is just the name of the
> file that is created, so it can be anything you want it to be.  The
> movie title, however, is a logical choice.
> Just FYI, (some of) the options to the dd command are:
>     if - This is the "input file", bearing in mind that in *nix devices
> are files too.
>     of - This is the "output file".  Typically a file on disk, but can
> also be a tape device, etc.
>     bs - This is the "block size", or number of bytes to be read per
> block of data.
> You can type 'man dd' at the linux command line to the manual page for
> dd.  In fact, you can 'man' any unix command.

Ayuh, I read the man page. What I was not understanding was how this
related to using MythTV to rip the DVD. However, after reading the
post from Jonathan above (Thanx Jon!) I got it. So, I'm just using dd
to rip the dvd, and MythTV is just going to be used to play the file
(after adding the optional file type in setup), not rip it. Thanks to
both of you for helping me to wrap my head around this simple concept.

Once it finishes the rip, I'll see if IMDB can look it up and fill in
the movie info.

For anyone reading this who might want to give this a shot, I would
recommend that you output the file (the 'of' parameter of the 'dd'
command) to your mythvideo directory, not /tmp. In my case, /tmp and
/video are on different partitions. The first attempt to rip to /tmp
filled up my root partition.

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