The VIA Mini ITX boards fit that niche - ~600-1200MHz processor
depending on model, onboard Unichrome graphics with MPEG2 acceleration
(supported by MythTV), SVideo or RCA video out, analogue or SPDIF audio,
onboard ethernet, and various other options dependant on which board you
choose.  I can watch Live TV (standard definition) from a DVB-T card
with about 10% CPU usage.  Transcoding chugs a bit on a processor like
that, though - if that is a major concern, you might be better off
looking elsewhere.


On Wed, 2005-05-25 at 16:06, Adam Pash wrote:
> Thanks for your replies.  Everything makes sense, but there's still
> one thing... as is, I'm not sure how well my existing soundcard, video
> card, and motherboard are going to work.  Actually, I know that the
> video card won't work, b/c it doesn't have any s-video or rca video
> outs.  But I don't think that my motherboard will support a newer
> card, either.  So I'm thinking... is there any combination of
> motherboard (with onboard sound, and ethernet), video card, and
> processor that anyone could recommend that would cost somewhere in the
> $100-$200 range that are well-supported?
> I have no concerns for hi-def, but I would like to transcode video, as
> disk space is somewhat of a concern.  Anyone have some suggestions in
> this price range that have worked for you? 
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