At least for US users, channel numbering for DVB boards is pretty
confusing.  I was hoping for some info on what the current
"best practice" is for setting up DVB channels.

When you do a channel scan, mythtv picks up a channel number from the
DVB broadcast.  For example, in my area, fox HDTV is "501".  However,
the datadirect number for fox is "50_1".   

What I did when I set my box up 3 months ago was to first do a channel
scan, and then run mythfilldatabse.  This resulted in duplicate
entries for every channel.  One with data-direct, and one with DVB
numbering.  I then went into mysql and manually copied the xmltvid from
the "datadirect" channel to the "dvb" channel, and deleted the 
datadirect channels.    I also deleted channels picked up in the
scan with marginal reception, since tuning to a marginal DVD channel
is a landmine.

This setup seemed to work well for quite a while, and I was very
happy.  But, after a while, my channel information started to get
corrupt.  I'd see channels with garbage names in the program guide.
Finally, my recordings were done on the wrong channel.  I'd setup a
recording on channel "X", and then it would actually record channel "y"

So, I just wiped my channel/tuner information and re-scanned and
re-filled the database last weekend.  Now my recordings seem to be
working again.

However, is there anything I should do differently to keep the
creeping-crud from coming back into my database?  I assume these
bogus channels were somehow confusing myth, and bumping its own
channel numbers around (meaning the channel numbers that appear
in the .nuv filenames). 



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