
I've been running MythTV 0.18 for about a week now and am extremely pleased with it. This is my first time using it, and I successfully got everything running on my first try (with a few restarts). I have a few niggling details I want to nail down before I consider this project ready for primetime. My box is running Myth .18 frontend and backend. It's a FC3 box with a single Hauppauge 250 tuner card, an Nvidia 5200 video card (s-video out) and an Asus NF2 motherboard - using the onboard soundcard. I am using a irman with a Radioshack 8 in 1 remote. I used Jarods guide and the mailing list for instructions on how to get everything running.

1. The down and CH- buttons on my remote are not working - all other buttons work great. I set up the remote using irrecord and the lircrc file from Jarods site. Do I need to rerun irrecord again? I played around with IRW and confirmed that those keys are not responding. What steps do I need to take to get those two buttons working?

2. Mythbackend isn't autostarting. I've been simply lauching it from the console with a "mythbackend &" command, but I'd like to get it automated.

3. Whenever I reboot, I loose /dev/video0 and am forced to run "modprobe ivtv" to reload my tuner device. Is this the correct behaviour? Where do I set this to run automatically?

4. I have my Mythtv box set to autologin. However, under FC3 for some reason the default X session is "failsafe". How do I get it to use KDE? Would changing /etc/sysconfig/desktop from desktop=gnome to desktop=kde work?

Thanks for any help getting these last remaining issues sorted out.


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