On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 19:34 -0400, Brad Benson wrote:
> On 5/26/05, Peter Judge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Unfortunately, Comcast has a different philosophy on what they provide via 
> > firewire. I can get the analog channels (< 80) and the HD channels (800 - 
> > 900ish) via firewire, but the rest of the digital channels (mainly the 
> > 200s) don't play nicely. Connecting via the PVR gets me all channels, but 
> > in SD (and with letterboxing and/or pillars) for the HD channels.
> I've had Comcast service here for several years and I've never been
> able to get my PVR-350 to receive any of the non-analog channels
> (>80).  I'm subscribed to digital cable and have an STB connected to
> the tv ('cause the GF hasn't fully succumbed to the power of myth
> yet).  Of course, the STB gets all available channels.  However, I
> also have the cable split and two connections going into a PVR-350 and
> one input of a PVR-500.  Neither the -350 nor the -500 are able to see
> any channels above 80.  All I get on those is static and loud noise. 
> Did you have to do anything special to allow your PVR card to tune the
> channels above 80?  I'm hoping that I'm missing something easy here
> because I'd love to be able to record some of those higher channels,
> but not enough to hook up an IR blaster.
> Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

I get the exact same situation as you. If I plug the co-ax from the wall
into the PVR250, I can see the analog channels (< 80). To see the
digital channels I run co-ax from the STB to the PVR250, and use the
firewire to change channels. The STB outputs to the TV via component

I should have been a little clearer earlier; sorry I couldn't be of more
help. Fortunately the GF loves Myth, to the point that she complains
when I want to upgrade (" it works like it is, doesn't it honey" :) )

-- Peter 

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