On May 26, 2005, at 5:52 PM, Ben Giddings wrote:

Yeah, I think the correct way of doing lirc stuff is that you put the
*commands* in the lircrc file, not the keys. That's how mplayer and xine
seem to work.  For example, mplayer's "fast forward" command is:

    prog = mplayer
    button = Forward
    config = seek +10

In other words, activate the 'seek' command with a '+10' parameter (go
forward 10 seconds).

In MythTV it's:

    prog = mythtv
    button = Forward
    config = >

Where you have to then define '>' somewhere else.

I don't know why it was done the way it was in MythTV, maybe it's the easy way, but I'd love it if someone would change the MythTV lirc stuff to be
more like mplayer, etc.


The problem I see with this in Myth is that there are many "modes" in Myth, where you may want the same remote key to perform a different function in different modes. This would be problematic if the function name was in the config line.

Not that I have a better solution.

What I would like is more fine grained keys. I have my remotes "play" key mapped to space, and I like that in menus it will select the menu item, but when video is paused, I would like it to unpause, and when video is playing, I would like it to display info like the I key does now. If the play button was mapped to a function name this wouldn't work. As it is now, I would just have to add more fine grained key mappings.

This thought just came to me. Maybe there could be separate mappings to myth functions for keyboards and remotes. You could still map keys like now, but you could have lirc pass in the name of the buttons, and in Myth you could map full button names to functions.

Dunno. Just rambling.

What got me started on the Ctrl key thing in the first place was the note in the keybindings page of mythweb that explicitly suggests to use modifiers for jump points, to avoid overriding regular functions. Maybe I'll see if I can fix the Myth lirc code to handle Ctrl keys. Eventually I'll find something to fix that's at my skill level, this may be it!


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