Bryan Halter wrote:
A nice feature to have would be backwards compatability for the Mythtv protocol on either the backend or frontend. One of the biggest hurdles for me as a Gentoo user is that I have to upgrade all my frontends and backends at the same time and restart. If the frontend had barkwards compatability by 1 version a user could upgrade the frontends one by one as time permits and at the end upgrade the backend, likewise if the backend could support clients one revision back that could be upgraded without needing to upgrade all the frontends.

I don't know how much effort is involved in this or if it has been discussed previously, just an observation.
I too would like this feature - I have 3 Xbox frontends running XboxMyth, and having to do them all on the same day is somewhat of a pain...

Still, I can fully understand the dev's not wanting this!


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