On 5/27/05, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 5/27/05, Lane Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Probably the right answer is to get this turned back on somehow within
> > > Myth but I've been looking and don't see what's wrong.
> >
> > Has your Myth box been turned off since the recording? It may not have
> > had time to run the commercial flagging. Otherwise, yes, you might not
> > have commercial flagging turned on.
> It had not been turned off. I've now enabled commercial flagging while
> the job is in progress. A test of an 11:30AM program showed
> commercials when I watched it a few minutes after noon.
> >
> > In the meantime, you could try this:
> >
> > - Start playing a recorded show in Myth
> > - Hit the 'e' key. That will take you into Edit mode.
> > - Hit the 'z' key. That will load up the commercial cutlist. If
> > nothing shows up, you don't have a cutlist for that show.
> > - If you don't have a cutlist, use the Enter key to manually mark some
> > commercials.
> > - Hit Esc when you're done. (If you then play the show again, and hit
> > 'e' again, your manually marked commercials should show up.)
> >
> > Then go back to nuvexport and try exporting the show you just marked up.
> >
> > Lane
> OK, for a show that has commercials flagged this process gives me a
> time line that shows commercials. I don't know how to move around and
> test that the commercials are morked correctly, but they look at least
> reasonable. I can learn more about that later I suppose.

Use Page Up and Page Down to move between marked spots.

Use Left and Right arrows to move around manually.

Use Up and Down arrows to adjust the amount of time you jump when you
use Left and Right arrows.

Use Enter to add, remove, or change a cutpoint location.

> However, for a show that has no commercial flagging it pulls up
> nothing. I see that there is a program called mythcommflag on my
> system. Is that something that can safely be run by hand?
> Unfortunately it has no man page. I'm trying it out using
> mythcommflag --video name_of_file

Not sure. You could try that. You can also manually add cut points
using the keys I described above.


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