> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:44 AM
> To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
> Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] DirectTV D10 Receiver - channel problems
>    What is the full number of your box?  My script at 
> http://www.pdp8.net/directv/directv.shtml
> can change channels by sending remote keys.  The D10-200 box 
> I have will lockup sometimes with the normal channel change 
> command so I added support to change channel by sending the 
> remote keys instead of the channel change command. 
> Try the script with the channel change command string
> directv.pl channel_change_type key setup_channel 
> for manual testing add the channel number at the end.
> If you have a d10-200 box you will need box_type d10-200 also 
> before the setup channel.
> You can also try without the channel_change_type key but I 
> expect it will work the same as the other scripts.
> I only have a D10-200 so haven't tested on other boxes so 
> would be interested in if it does work.  I attempted to not 
> break support for other boxes as I added the additional stuff.

Interesting enough this script works but the satcontrol-0.02 only works
for channels greater than 102 (I contacted the author).

Works fine
./directv.pl  box_type D10-200 port /dev/ttyS0 6

Changes the channel to 6 on the guide but then kills the process leaving you
on the same channel
./directv.pl  channel_change_type key box_type D10-200  port /dev/ttyS0
setup_channel 6

Produces an error for channels < 102
./directv.pl  port /dev/ttyS0 6
Error excessive retries
./directv.pl  port /dev/ttyS0 102


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