I've recently been playing around with mythgame and wrote up some "docs" form the notes that i took during my install that i thought would be useful to others as the official docs are a bit thin on the subject. Bare with me as it's a bit longwinded and this is the first time i've used XMAME or mythgame so if i'm suggesting something that is basic lunacy please point it out. At the bottom i have some questions about some of the setup options.

############### Mythgame: hary's setup notes ##########

Mythgame Setup:

this is a how to for setting up XMAME as part of mythgames on linux using the CVS version of MythTV.

1. setup directory structure
2. download and install XMAME
3. download and place files (artwork/catver.ini/etc..)
4. download and install mythgame
5. setup mythgame from inside mythfrontend
hints: No joystick solution

1. Setup Directory Structure
to keep things organized create the following directories within a parent directory called "games":
cabinets, cheats, flyers, hiscore, screenshots, and roms.

cd  (path to where you want to setup your games directory)
mkdir games
cd games
mkdir cabinets cheats flyers hiscore roms screens

2. Download and install XMAME
head over to http://x.mame.net and download the source for xmame/xmess.
uncompress it, configure, make and install it.

move it to where you install from, for me /usr/local/src
mv xmame-0.96.tar.gz2 /usr/local/src/xmame-0.96.tar.gz2

unzip it.
tar -jxvf xmame-0.96.tar.gz2

cd xmame-0.96.tar.gz2

note: read the docs if you want to compile in joystick support. (I don't have one so i skipped this)

sudo make install

post XMAME install setup
mkdir ~/.xmame
cp docs/xmamerc.dist ~/.xmame/xmamerc

use your favorite editor to edit ~/.xmame/xmamerc
You need to set some paths in the ### Fileio Related ### section
rompath                 /mythtv/games/xmame/roms
snapshot_directory        .
cheat_file                /mythtv/games/xmame/cheat.dat
hiscore_file            /mythtv/games/xmame/hiscore.dat
history_file            /mythtv/games/xmame/history.dat
mameinfo_file            /mythtv/games/xmame/mameinfo.dat

now it is time to test XMAME before we attempt to get it running inside MythTV
place your ROM in the roms directory you created earlier
there are plenty of online places to purchase legit ROMs for use with MAME. There are also places that will take your old cartridges and transfer the ROMs to CDs for you.

launch xmame with the classic game of choice, gauntlet for me!
xmame.x11 gauntlet

after OK'ing the ownership screen, the info screen and the caveats screen. you can start playing. TAB will bring up a OSD, On Screen Display, which will show you the keyboard settings.
~ will help you with the volume
ESC will get you out of it.

3. download and place files (artwork/catver.ini/etc..)
Download catver.ini
catver.ini is a catalog of CATagories and VERsions of MAME games. it helps in organizing your games within mythgame. You can pick up a copy at http://www.catver.com or http://wwww.mameworld.net/catlist
place it in your /mythtv/games/xmame directory

Download flyers from http://www.arcadeflyers.net if you like.

4. download and install mythgame.
mythgame is part of the mythplugins package so use the download information in the myth docs.
substitute "mythplugins" for "mythtv" in the download instructions.

after mythplugins have been downloaded
cd mythplugins

you can install all the default plugins by "./compile" or only mythgame with:

./compile --disable-all --enable-mythgame
qmake mythplugins.pro
sudo make install

5. setup mythgame from inside mythfrontend
launch mythfrontend and navigate to Utilities/Setup>Setup>Media Settings>Game Settings>General Settings

on page one you can setup the display order of your games, its page 2 and 3 that we need to setup. MIME binary location: /usr/local/bin/xmame.x11 path to xmame binary MIME ROM location: /mythtv/games/xmame/roms where you store all your roms catver.ini file: /mythtv/games/xmame/catver.ini we put this here in step 3, Category Version Info
MAME screenshots path:    /mythtv/games/xmame/screenshots
MAME hiscores path: /mythtv/games/xmame/hiscore where XMAME stores hiscores??? MAME hiscores file: /mythtv/games/xmame/hiscore.dat where XMAME stores hiscores???
MAME flyers path:         /mythtv/games/xmame/flyers
MAME cabinets path:       /mythtv/games/xmame/cabinets
MAME history path:        /mythtv/games/xmame/history.dat
MAME cheat files path:    /mythtv/games/xmame/cheats
MAME image downloader     Huh???? old?

and the options
Automatically download images if you have the MAME image downloader setup this toggles it on Show disclaimer show legal ROM warnings before starting game Show game info show info about the game, ie:year, maker, CPU, sound, screen resolution before staring game

No joystick solution:
i don't have one, yet. mythgame defaults to sending the option "- joytype 4" to XMAME. You will need to set "joytype" to 0 by editing the mamesettings table in your mythconverge database. I used phpMyAdmin cause i'm a newb!

########## end hary's setup notes #########

ok i still have the following questions. most are pretty basic like "what does this file do?"

1. while editing ~/.xmame/xmamerc there is an option for a "snapshot_directory" is this different, or should it be different than the "MAME screenshots path" in mythgame setup inside mythfrontned.

2. I'm confused about all the paths to files and how they are used. such as: a. why is there a hiscores path, and also a hiscore file. does XMAME keep all the hiscores in one big file, or is it on a game by game basis, hence the hiscores path. i assumed it's on a game by game basis and setup a directory to hold all the hiscore files.

b. flyers and cabinets. how are these used? again please excuse the newbie here. Are flyers like movie posters, they show up when browsing? If so then where does that put screenshots? i guess i'm looking for some clarity between the flyers, screenshots, snapshots and cabinets. I found a site that is all arcade flyers http:// www.arcadeflyers.net and

c. will history.dat and the hiscores be automatically created? i don't see them yet.

3. MAME image downloader? The hint in the mythgame setup screen point you to the /contrib directory of the mythgame source, but that doesn't exist. what was this meant to do? download the ROM image or a splash screen of the game?

anyway thanks for reading this far and i hope this can help someone just testing the waters like myself and perhaps this can be a starting point for a page in the official docs.

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