> Have you considered doing it the other way?  Although you don't want to
> record all of them, you could tell Myth you do want to (All showings on
> Any channel).  Then, go through your Scheduled Recordings and set any
> episodes you don't want to "Never Record."  This way, Myth has the
> leeway to choose the most appropriate showing of any particular episode,
> but you don't have to record/delete the ones you don't want.

This does seem like a better way to do it.  It also covers me if I am
out of town or forget to select which ones to record (or don't
record).  It will just record all of them and then I can delete them
when I get around to it.  Thanks for the suggestion.

> Instead of "Record only this showing", choose "Find and record one
> showing" (it's called something like that), so if "Tanks" is showing 3
> times over the next 2 weeks, it can pick any one of them.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work.  The "Find and record one showing"
rule only compares the title of the show, and not the subtitle.  Since
all of the titles are "Modern Marvels", and "Tanks" is stored in the
subtitle, it will record the first showing of "Modern Marvels"
regardless of which episode it is.

> I think this was solved earlier this week when Brad Templeton launched
> hos new TVWish program on this mailing list. This lets you tell MythTV
> to records specific episodes of programs whenever it sees them in the
> program guide. You can list one or many episodes for as many programs
> as you like. It's a great piece of software. You can find all the info
> at http://www.templetons.com/brad/myth/tvwish.html

I must have missed it, but I'll check it out.  Thanks.

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