Finally fixed this problem.... my problem was that the DVB card is the secondary tuner card, and when it said "Change to channel at startup:" (or whatever it's called) I assumed that it meant the internal channel the card is set to, so I put 1 in for BBC1, but it didn't work. Then realised, it was referring to the channel number in the database, and so channel 1 is the PVR350's BBC1, so put in 2001 which I have set up for the DVB card's BBC1, and it works just fine now! Phew :)

desire:/home/piers# mythbackend
Running as a slave backend.
2005-06-05 18:24:52.426 DVB#0 DVB SI Table Parser Started
2005-06-05 18:24:52.534 DVB#0 Using DVB card 0, with frontend Hauppauge Nova-T DVB-T.
2005-06-05 18:24:52.535 DVB#0 DVB Signal Monitor Starting
2005-06-05 18:24:53.468 DVB#0 DVB signal 3737 | snr c000 | ber 3fff | unc 0 2005-06-05 18:24:54.396 DVB#0 DVB signal 3737 | snr c000 | ber 3fff | unc 0
2005-06-05 18:24:54.515 DVB#0 Signal Locked
2005-06-05 18:24:54.702 DVB#0 Status: LOCK.
2005-06-05 18:24:54.702 DVB#0 Multiplex Locked
2005-06-05 18:24:56.045 DVB#0 Successfully tuned to channel 2001.
2005-06-05 18:24:56.053 mythbackend version: 0.17.20050130-1
2005-06-05 18:24:56.053 Enabled verbose msgs : important general
2005-06-05 18:24:57.060 Connecting to master server:
2005-06-05 18:24:57.181 Connected successfully

Thanks very much to all of you for your help! :)

Cheers - Piers

John Pullan wrote:
On 19/05/05, Uwe Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


2005-05-16 14:56:03.579 DVB#0 DVB Signal Monitor Starting
2005-05-16 14:56:03.580 DVB#0 ERROR - Unable to find channel
in database.
2005-05-16 14:56:03.584 DVB#0 ERROR - Failed to get channel
options for
channel 1.


Any ideas of what I could be doing wrong...?

yes. This seems to me as you entered "1" as the starting channel within the
"Input Connections" (afair) menu for this connection (card). But, for me
(DVB-S), the channel scanning results in a wild variety of channel numbers
and they do _not_ start at "1".
So, are you sure a channel with the number "1" does exist ?
If not, enter a number of an (after the DVB-scan) existing channel within

I'd be a little bit surprised if it doesn't exist, the scan should
have used the "Logical Channel Number" code to assign "1" to BBC1.
Worth checking though. (I think Piers did say he was using DVB-T)

The only other thing I can think of is that mythfilldb has messed
things up for you. I'd be tempted to clear stufff down, empty the DB
tables etc and rescan.

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