Hmmmm, interesting. that seems to have fixed it. I haven't hooked it up to the tv yet tho.
What is different about .18 that you need to turn that off?

On 6/5/05, Egeekial <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had a very similiar problem before. Try changing your theme directly
in the database to something other than G.A.N.T. It's in the settings
table where value='theme'. I don't know if this is the problem or not,
but it fixed it for me. Strangely, G.A.N.T. works fine now, though...

Michael T. Dean wrote:

> Pete Stagman wrote:
>> Since upgrading to .018 mythtv gui's keep locking up on me.
>> mythfrontend, mythtvsetup both lockup when I try to start them. In
>> mythtvsetup I get the message "do you want to clear your card
>> settings?" and the "channel settings" messages, then nothing. I get a
>> background and no further. In mythfrontend I just get the background.
>> I'm not able to do anything from the console.
>> If I ssh in to the machine then I can poke around and kill X, which
>> is at 98% CPU usage.
> Make sure RenderAccel is off.
> Mike
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