On Sun, 2005-06-05 at 23:24, Fa Yoeu wrote:
> I have bought my last 5 HDs (3 seagate and 2 Hitachi) with rebates
> over the last two years.  I have gotten all the rebates back without
> any hassel.  I guess i am just lucky.

I don't think you're just lucky. I buy things all the time on rebates.
It is a hassle to fill everything out and make copies, which is very
important, but it does save you money. I've gotten many things free
after rebate (besides tax and postage for the rebate form). 

I can't think of the last time I did not get a rebate where I didn't
screw it up. The latest, for a DVD player, I got a card in the mail
saying the rebate was denied. After investigation it turned out I sent
in the wrong bar code on the box. It was the serial number or something,
not the UPC. Anyway, I luckily kept the box so I sent it to them and
they are still honoring it. 

As far as these drives go, I have roughly 6 or 7 of the Maxtor or WD 160
gig drives. I have a system with 3 of them in it for backing up
everything from my myth stuff to normal data. I rsync myth every night.
My problem, which has been discussed before, is the reliability of these
drives. Right now I need to rebuild my Myth box because one of the
Maxtors crashed. It's been decaying for a few weeks and now it's dead,
and it's probably not under warranty. Of course up til now the tests on
the drive shows no issues. I need to run them again to see if they show
problems yet. I've had some others last a long time and still going. I
think for $30 it's hard to pass up. 


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