Gavin Haslett wrote:

If you REALLY want to clean up serious cruft, you should do what I plan to do 
this weekend, which is to NUVEXPORT all your recordings out to NUV and SQL 
files, trash the database and merge everything back in. Sounds like a lot of 
work, and it is... but I've been looking at my database and filesystem lately 
and they don't match. I have more NUV files than I have recordings, so 
apparently I've got orphaned files out there. I also appear to have a couple of 
orphaned database entries that show up in NUVEXPORT selector, but have no 
associated files. I need to clean this up so I'm going to go the 
export/trash/import route.

Only problem with this is it does mean that I'll have to re-create all my 
settings again... but that's not a huge problem for me as I have a mostly 
default setup.
You can always do a selective restore. Just take the SQL you dump from the database backup and edit out anything you don't want--i.e. all the entries pertaining to the recorded table.

However, since you'll need to match your recordings with titles/subtitles/descriptions, it may make more sense just to start from your current database. You can run a script to check for mismatches. For example, (in the contrib directory) will inform you of any mismatches and it asks you to enter title/subtitle/description for those recordings not in your database.

If you simply want to know what mismatches exist, you could modify to find and list all the mismatches.

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