On 6/7/05, Xiaotian Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> what i did, which is simpler in my opinion (only one scan, doesn't
> involve direct manipulation of the database, etc.)
> 1. delete the old channel setup
> 2. run a channel scan
> 3. customize zap2it line-up to include only those scanned channels
> 4. retrieve the line-up
> 5. go to channel setup and got the xmltv id (don't remember the exact
> name, something like that) from the retrieved channels
> 6. type in the xmltv id in the corresponding scanned channel
> 7. go to mythweb and delete the retrieved channels
> 8. run mythfilldatabase to get the listings


I think I understand what your steps above will accomplish
and it's pretty clever.  Seems like you are fooling mythfilldatabase
to get the data and store/associate it with the scanned channels.

I have one question though.  Since I don't have mythweb, is there
an alternative way to delete the retrieved channels?  Or, is it absolutely
necessary to delete the retrieved channels?

Right now all I can do is watch TV, can't record anything.
I'm hoping there is a way to avoid installing mythweb.
Any ideas you might have would be appreciated.


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