I have just upgraded from .17 to .18.1 using atrpms. When I rebooted.
I can't get mythfrontend to run. I also can't get mythtv-setup to run.
It opens the background and freezes in mythfrontend. In mythtv-setup
it gives me the first 2 questions about clearing the channels and the
card data once i ghave answered those it freezes. There are no
underlying windows or anything else.

I'm running FC3 I installed via atrpms and Jarrod's guide when myth
was still .16. I upgraded to .17 by manually compiling and now the
upgrade to .18.1 was via atrpms again.

Is there something I may have done wrong? Could it be that I use the
titivillus theme and maybe it isn't being found or painted properly.
Mythbackend is running fine (or so it appears). I've been looking at
teh database and it appears to even to coninue to record. I just can't
see it through the frontend.

Any help would be appreciated.
John Willaims

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