On Tue 14 June 2005 16:17, Joe Tsai wrote:
> I saw someone mentioned this work around once on some website. However,
> I am not aware that this can solve my problem since all the XMLID value
> in the mysqldump shows "". Can you point me a way to obtain the correct

Just a small correction it is xmltvid not xmlid and it isn't a workaround but 
the way it is meant to be done.

What you are doing wrong is not associating the channels with the guide data 
grabbed from the Radiotimes site. Now I am being lazy because I won't bother 
to explain how to set this up yet. It might not be what you want anyway.

If your first email you talk about the EPG and then talk about the Radiotimes 
grabber. Well there is a common source of confusion here so I'll briefly 
explain. With DVB some channel listings are sent 'on the air' (OTA) and this 
is _generally_ referred to as the EPG (Electronic Program Guide). The 
Radiotimes grabber is an alternative to the OTA EPG, it fetches data from the 
radiotimes website instead. If you use one then usually you don't want the 

The RT grabber provides slightly better but longer program descriptions, full 
reviews for films and provides 14 days data at a time. The OTA EPG provides 
just 7 days data but doesn't need the computer to be internet connected.

If you can tell me which guide source you would like to use I'll provide a 
setup guide for each one. The OTA EPG should be easier to setup.
Stuart Morgan
mythtv-users mailing list

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