On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 11:16:16PM -0700, Jon Breazile wrote:
> Yes, I have an ATI card, so that's good news. I'm running it on a Dell
> laptop (Inspiron 8200) for testing. I have a Latitude D800 with an
> Nvidia card that I can try until I decide on which motherboard/cpu 
> combination to buy.
> Has anybody tried running dual firewire capture? Any other suggestions
> for capturing dual HD content besides firewire? I am capturing digital cable
> and Dish Network, so most tuner cards are useless to me. That means I would
> need to capture from component, HDMI, or DVI. I think my only option is to
> find a box that converts component to firewire, but I don't know if they
> will handle HD signals. Any ideas?

Nothing you can buy for less than many thousands of dollars will capture
HD from component (or for that matter dvi) outputs.

You don't really "capture" HD signals in the same sense that you capture
SD ones.   Instead you just decode them, they are already digitized and

So your only options are over the air and 1394 for now.  And 1394 will
slowly go away over time, if they follow their plans.
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